Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ensuring America's Survival and Protecting Those who Share our Values

Ensuring America's Survival and Protecting Those who Share our Values

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As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also.
~Thomas Jefferson

Believe you can and you're halfway there.
~Theodore Roosevelt

Article Written by: Ralph Hudson


Are You Serious?

Ensuring America's Survival and Protecting Those who Share our Values
In any modern day presidential election foreign policy must necessarily be a very serious component of the debate. In a world filled with serious conflict, both regional and sectarian, the "abiding alternative to tyranny" (a Ronald Reagan reference to America) must recognize its responsibility to survive and to protect others who share our values. While most of the republican candidates in the 2012 presidential election understand this in principle, the practical application of what that means is another matter.

Sun Tzu, the author of The Art of War written sometime between 476–221 BC, said "If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril." Put another way, to avoid peril, know yourself and know your enemy.

Let's start with knowing ourselves. Reagan's reference to the United States as the "abiding
YEP...He did it. How Pathetic And Foolish Is That?!?
alternative to tyranny" is a good foundation to build upon, assuming we believe it. The common mainstream media reference and the favorite of Rep. Ron Paul, a republican party candidate in the 2008 election and the 2012 presidential election who is actually a libertarian clothed as a republican, would both describe us as the "world's policeman." However, that is a negative and a intentionally poisoned reference. We are not and clearly cannot be the world's policeman. What we can be is a protector of those who share our values. Very different from being a policeman, a protector looks after those who otherwise would be unable to protect or defend themselves.

The other problem with the world's policeman analogy is that it is used to imply that the knee-jerk American response is to use force. While the threat of the use of force and the ability to deliver it is an important piece of a sound foreign policy, a practical protector knows that is the last resort. Sun Tzu put it thus, "For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill." If we want
We Need An American President With American Values
subduction of those who would otherwise threaten America and those who share our values "without fighting," the leader of the free world had better have a good idea about how that is done. That person had better be real diplomat who sees the world for what it is: seriously conflicted. The 2012 presidential election and specifically the republican candidates are no exception in that regard. In fact, the case can be made that this is one of the most important elections in recorded history when it comes to foreign policy issues.

Now, how about knowing our enemy, knowing those who would be a treat to those we wish to protect? Newt Gingrich, a republican candidates for president in the republican presidential election, has argued effectively that we should be candid about our opponents. As a long-time member of the hawkish republican party born out of the Reagan administration's "peace through strength" policy of the 1980's, he understands better than any republican candidates in this presidential primary that such candidness is an indespensible part of defining America. Particularly to our enemy and specifically to our allies.

To be candid is to be free from reservation, disguise, or subterfuge. Frankly, it means to be straightforward. One of the particular difficulties with someone who is uncandid is that one must attempt to read their minds, so to speak. Beating around the bush results in never really knowing their thinking and as a result making it very difficult to understand what motivates them. On the other hand, when one is candid that is never the case. To be candid about our enemies and what motivates us with regard to them and they with regard to us is probably the most important missing ingredient today in the world of foreign policy which has been in recent years driven by political correctness. That is a dangerous element to allow into the debate when there is so much as stake in the world today. There will be no place for political correctness in the coming years and Newt Gingrich is the one republican candidates who fundamentally understands that.

For more information on Newt's solutions, visit
Ralph T. Hudson

Former District Director for

U.S. Congressman Asa Hutchinson (R)

3rd District of Arkansas

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

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