Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Illegal immigration in the United States

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All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.
~John Adams

Article Written by: Ralph Hudson


Illegal immigration in the United States is a complex and difficult problem that is once again an issue in the 2012 presidential election. This issue has shown a contrast between the republican candidates in the way the issue needs to be resolved. The rule of law is of tantamount importance in America. As a result, most Americans feel strongly that those in this country illegally should be "sent home." Some estimates have that number at 10 or 11 million people. Let's put that number in perspective: If you stood every mother, father, and child who were in this country illegally in one place you would have a group one and a half times the size of the City of New York! That's a lot of people here illegally. In fact, it's a huge number. Nearly an unmanageable number when you think about the "sending them home" piece. However, most Americans would argue that a way needs to be found to do it nonetheless. Before a solution is implemented, that number cannot be allowed to increase; the leak has to be stopped. Something we have heard since the 2008 election.

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Which leads us to the border with Mexico. At 1,969 miles, it is a vast and difficult terrain. It spans four U.S. states, six Mexican states, and has over twenty commercial railroad crossings. While the area can mostly be fenced effectively, there are parts that might not lend themselves well to fencing, particularly the railroad crossings. Those areas could be patrolled by unmanned drones with Homeland Security and ICE personnel at the ready to respond to breeches, as Newt Gingrich, one of the top-tier republican candidates has suggested. Again, something we have heard over and over again since the 2008 election, yet, little has been accomplished to get it done.

The security fence is not an inexpensive proposition, estimated to cost roughly $4 million a mile. If we were to build 1,900 miles of fence, the cost would be right around $8 billion. While that is a lot of money, it pales in comparison to the loss of life on the border due to the difficulty of the terrain, the heat and lack of life supporting resources along the border (estimates are as high as 2,000 a year), the potential for terrorists to cross, the jobs taken from citizens of the United States by the illegal border crossers, the gang and criminal influence which follows illegal immigration, etc. There is a seldom heard fact, that there are approximately 280,000 illegal crossings of our border by people who are not Mexicans. As a result, most Americans would agree that it is a small price to pay for the elimination of those problems. In fact, with few exceptions every one of the republican candidates for president since the 2008 election has claimed support for the fence. Yet, it remains incomplete. We need a President of the United States who will lead in the political process to get it done.

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Once the border is sealed and the leak stopped, the existing illegal population can be dealt with. As was discussed above, the number of illegal immigrants is very large indeed. Some of the best ideas for dealing with this part of the problem come from none other than republican party candidate, Newt Gingrich. As a candidate for President of the United States he has approached these and other issues head on and with great intellect. These problems require serious attention and bold leadership. It is this author's uncompensated and unsolicited opinion that Newt Gingrich has the answers to America's illegal immigration problem. You can check out Newt's illegal immigration solutions at

Article Written by: Ralph T. Hudson

Former District Director for

U.S. Congressman Asa Hutchinson (R)

Arkansas 3rd District

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

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