Monday, January 16, 2012


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Always desire to learn something useful.

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
~Og Mandino

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.
~Thomas Jefferson


In a "60 Minutes" interview, Mr. Obama offered what might be insight into his 2012 presidential election strategy. It takes some decoding, but his underlying strategic goals emerge in what he says, "The question next year is going to be — and then this is how a democracy is supposed to work — do they see a more compelling vision coming out from the other side? Do they think that cutting taxes further, including on the wealthy, cutting taxes on corporations, of gutting regulations — do we think that that is going to be somehow more successful? And if the American people think that that’s a recipe for success and a majority are persuaded by that, then I’m going to lose."

It appears he wants the election to be a referendum on the Republican candidates and their political philosophy. By posing the key question as whether the GOP remedy for the economy will be "somehow more successful," he makes it clear that he wants this contest to be about the Republican Party proposals. The proposals from Newt Gingrich, do however hold promise; I’ve seen them work twice in my lifetime.

President Obama hopes he can fool the American People and appear to be running as a non-incumbent, abandoning all but a pro forma defense of his record and instead running as he would were there an open seat, thus pretending it’s the 2008 election again. He wants it to be the 2008 election all over again, where he is free to float ideas without taking any responsibility for his performance in office or that of the economy on his watch. Only this time, unlike his brief, insignificant, and often, "missing-in-action" tenure in the Illinois Legislature and the U.S. Senate, there is a record of his performance this go around – a record and legacy of failure.

I get the impression that he is determined to make the presidential election a contest between two policy alternatives, deliberately omitting the issue of competence, or more so, his incompetence. He wants all the votes that his point of view will permit him to garner despite his obvious incompetence in implementing it. Obama seems to want to turn the election into a referendum on policy, almost as if it were an issue on the ballot rather than a president seeking reelection. While this preference is understandable, given his dismal record, the Republican Party (click for link) cannot let him get away with it. He’s like an incompetent employee hoping to save his job by advocating a broad-based shift in his corporation’s philosophy in the hopes that his bosses will ignore his own poor performance. Anyone with a pulse and a functioning brain could not have overlooked poor performance. I don’t believe that he can convince the majority of Americans the he deserves another term or that it would in any way benefit ‘everyday’, American People.

The key question Republican Candidates must pose to the president: "What are you planning to do in the next four years to get the economy moving that you have not tried and failed with during your first term, especially during that portion of the term when you had total control of Congress and still couldn’t fix the economy?"

Of course, the other part of Obama’s presidential election strategy will be a slash-and-burn approach to attacking his opponent. Using the cooperation of the "bought-and-paid-for" media, he will throw any accusation that comes to mind against his Republican Party opponent in the hope that enough sticks to help him win. But in this essentially negative approach to the campaign, he is laboring under the handicap that the aspiring Republican Candidates will have been thoroughly vetted during the primaries. Any negatives that exist will have been aired so extensively that they will pack little punch in the fall. In this respect, the primary contest is serving to inoculate the potential Republican Candidates by raising all the negatives and exhausting them before the fall presidential election even starts.

As for the rest of Mr. Obama’s strategy — it won’t work. Nobody is going to forget the current state of the economy or fail to remember how ineffective the stimulus program was at doing anything other than digging us deeper into self-destructive debt. The fact is that an incumbent president is up for reelection and there is more than a clash of philosophies at issue. There will be two men, and one of them, Barack Hussein Obama, is a demonstrated failure(click for video).

I would suggest, in opposition to Obama and his socialist agenda, that Americans not accept the media maneuvers to decieve the public and their attempts to, in effect, select Mitt "Rmoney" as the Republican Nominee and pick a strong, conservative to lead our country out of the current mess and into a properous future; that would be Newt Gingrich (click for link).

Mike Emory

Mitt Romney is a Massachusetts Moderate with progressive views. Newt is a Reagan Conservative with a track record to prove it.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Meet The Real Mitt - "Moderate Mitt"

Legacy Of Failure (point & click)
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Like Rush Limbaugh said, and I agree, we don't need a flip-flopping, moderate. You might need a moderate if you were grasping for votes in a tight election. But with a strong, conservative, and experienced candidate, we're not going to be grasping for votes in an election against a record as pathetic as Barack Obama's.
~ ,

During his 1994 campaign for Senate in Massachusetts, Romney disowned any connection to or affinity for Ronald Reagan: "I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush." (Joe Battenfield, "Conservative Group Yanks Its Support For Mitt," Boston Herald, 10/27/94).

Mitt Romney opposed efforts to elect Republicans
In 1992, Romney voted in the Democratic presidential primary for liberal former Massachusetts Sen. Paul Tsongas, a fact he still proudly touts today. He proclaimed in 1994, "I’m not a partisan politician." (David Broder, "Kennedy Tries To Polish Faded Image," The Washington Post, 10/7/94)
Romney proudly defended donations to Democratic congressional candidates that he made in 1992. He told reporters: ‘I don’t think they’re mortal sins for Republican Party members to make contributions to good people and to their friends, irrespective of their party.’

The 1992 presidential election had consequences: Democrats took simultaneous control of the White House, House of Representatives, and Senate for the first time since 1980, and Bill Clinton and the Democratic Congress would quickly raise taxes in 1993. (Wayne Woodlief, "Romney: Religion No Issue In Senate Race," Boston Herald, 2/3/94).

Just days before the 1994 Congressional mid-term election, Massachusetts Senate candidate Mitt Romney vigorously opposed the Contract with America in his debate with incumbent Senator Ted Kennedy. Romney said the Contract with America, signed by over 350 Republican Candidates for the House of Representatives, was "not a good idea" and "a mistake".

Mitt Romney opposed the Contract with America. (point & click to read the 21st Century, Contract With America)
In his failed 1994 Massachusetts Senate campaign, Mitt Romney vigorously opposed the Contract with America. Running on the Contract as a solemn promise to the American people to accomplish the items of the Contract, Republicans took back the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years, and proceeded to cut taxes.

Moreover, he repeatedly has spent much of his own fortune to outspend opponents. While I have no problem with any candidate spending his own money, in our Republic much can be said for the candidate who is able to raise money from the "folks" to run his campaign. It demonstrates support from the grassroots, as opposed to buying support in a presidential election process. I separate the two. Romney contributed over $6 million to his own campaign during the election against Kennedy, a state record at the time. He'll do much the same thing in the 2012 republican presidential election contest.

Even while Governor of Massachusetts he demonstrated his moderate, progressive tendencies much of the time. Romney supported raising various fees by more than $300 million, including those for driver's licenses, marriage licenses, and gun licenses. He increased a special gasoline retailer fee by two cents per gallon. Anytime fees and taxes are raised they impose a hardship on those who can least afford them. Something progressives have no problem with.

Leadership In 2012 (point & click)
 Republican candidates for POTUS have to do everything in their power to demonstrate leadership skills, strength of conviction, ability to raise money, support from grassroots voters, strength of message and its applicability in the world today, resourcefulness, capacity to respond instantaneously when challenged, and an distinctly American spirit. Mitt has failed on all those fronts in both the 2008 election and the 2012 presidential election. In this presidential election, there is one candidate who has demonstrated all of those traits and that's Newt Gingrich. When the mainstream media had Newt's candidacy DOA, Newt proved his resourcefulness and raised money, stayed on message, demonstrated leadership skills, spoke well of all the candidates, remained convicted that the country could do better, and responded instantaneously when challenged.

House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years, and proceeded to cut taxes,
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balance the budget, and reform welfare. (Rod Dreher, "Kennedy Avoids Haymaker In Final Debate With Romney," The Washington Times, 10/28/94; video available here: Senate Debate, October 27, 1994. WCVB-TV (Boston).
During his October 27, 1994 senatorial debate against Ted Kennedy, Romney declared "in my view, it is not a good idea to go into a contract, like what was organized by the Republican Party in Washington, laying out a whole series of things that the party says ‘these are the things we are going to do.’ I think that’s a mistake. I think instead that if you want to get something done in Washington, you don’t end up picking teams, with Republicans on one side and Democrats on the other, entering into a contract and saying ‘we’re all gonna do this.’ Then of course, if that works, then the other side feels like a loser. But if they win they feel like winners. I don’t like winners and losers in
Washington, I’d rather say, let’s get together and work together." (Rod Dreher, "Kennedy Avoids Haymaker In Final Debate With Romney," The Washington Times, 10/28/94; video available here: Senate Debate, October 27, 1994. WCVB-TV (Boston).

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ensuring America's Survival and Protecting Those who Share our Values

Ensuring America's Survival and Protecting Those who Share our Values

Click Here For Info On Obama's Failed Presidency
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As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also.
~Thomas Jefferson

Believe you can and you're halfway there.
~Theodore Roosevelt

Article Written by: Ralph Hudson


Are You Serious?

Ensuring America's Survival and Protecting Those who Share our Values
In any modern day presidential election foreign policy must necessarily be a very serious component of the debate. In a world filled with serious conflict, both regional and sectarian, the "abiding alternative to tyranny" (a Ronald Reagan reference to America) must recognize its responsibility to survive and to protect others who share our values. While most of the republican candidates in the 2012 presidential election understand this in principle, the practical application of what that means is another matter.

Sun Tzu, the author of The Art of War written sometime between 476–221 BC, said "If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril." Put another way, to avoid peril, know yourself and know your enemy.

Let's start with knowing ourselves. Reagan's reference to the United States as the "abiding
YEP...He did it. How Pathetic And Foolish Is That?!?
alternative to tyranny" is a good foundation to build upon, assuming we believe it. The common mainstream media reference and the favorite of Rep. Ron Paul, a republican party candidate in the 2008 election and the 2012 presidential election who is actually a libertarian clothed as a republican, would both describe us as the "world's policeman." However, that is a negative and a intentionally poisoned reference. We are not and clearly cannot be the world's policeman. What we can be is a protector of those who share our values. Very different from being a policeman, a protector looks after those who otherwise would be unable to protect or defend themselves.

The other problem with the world's policeman analogy is that it is used to imply that the knee-jerk American response is to use force. While the threat of the use of force and the ability to deliver it is an important piece of a sound foreign policy, a practical protector knows that is the last resort. Sun Tzu put it thus, "For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill." If we want
We Need An American President With American Values
subduction of those who would otherwise threaten America and those who share our values "without fighting," the leader of the free world had better have a good idea about how that is done. That person had better be real diplomat who sees the world for what it is: seriously conflicted. The 2012 presidential election and specifically the republican candidates are no exception in that regard. In fact, the case can be made that this is one of the most important elections in recorded history when it comes to foreign policy issues.

Now, how about knowing our enemy, knowing those who would be a treat to those we wish to protect? Newt Gingrich, a republican candidates for president in the republican presidential election, has argued effectively that we should be candid about our opponents. As a long-time member of the hawkish republican party born out of the Reagan administration's "peace through strength" policy of the 1980's, he understands better than any republican candidates in this presidential primary that such candidness is an indespensible part of defining America. Particularly to our enemy and specifically to our allies.

To be candid is to be free from reservation, disguise, or subterfuge. Frankly, it means to be straightforward. One of the particular difficulties with someone who is uncandid is that one must attempt to read their minds, so to speak. Beating around the bush results in never really knowing their thinking and as a result making it very difficult to understand what motivates them. On the other hand, when one is candid that is never the case. To be candid about our enemies and what motivates us with regard to them and they with regard to us is probably the most important missing ingredient today in the world of foreign policy which has been in recent years driven by political correctness. That is a dangerous element to allow into the debate when there is so much as stake in the world today. There will be no place for political correctness in the coming years and Newt Gingrich is the one republican candidates who fundamentally understands that.

For more information on Newt's solutions, visit
Ralph T. Hudson

Former District Director for

U.S. Congressman Asa Hutchinson (R)

3rd District of Arkansas

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

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