Thursday, August 5, 2010

Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, and the Entrepreneur

Even though you are on the right track - you will get run over if you just sit there. 
Will Rogers

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I'm glad you're here! At the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

Marketing Business Opportunity

Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, and the Entrepreneur

One Internet marketing business opportunity that's getting lots of attention lately is the blog. A blog is relatively easy to set up and can be quite a bit of fun provided you're capable of writing good articles on a regular, consistent basis. Did you catch the keywords in that last sentence? O.K., I'll tell you - regular and consistent. This is where that entrepreneur spirit comes into play. By definition an entrepreneur is a strong leader with a high energy level, unwavering mental stamina, internally self motivated, and takes upon him/herself  the work and responsibility needed to get the job done - amongst other things. If you do not naturally possess all these qualities, it's not a lost cause, you can through conscious effort learn and apply these characteristics. The best advise is to surround yourself with entrepreneur-type people, join a group or "community", or acquire the services of a mentor.  

The word blog is a derivation of the term Web log. A blog is essentially a journal that is displayed on the Internet. A blog should come across as less formal than a website, which invites and encourages conversation. The content of your blog can sometimes be expanded by encouraging others to comment or respond to postings. This also allows the reader a sense of ownership and participation which can lead to increased traffic to your blog. All it takes to add to the blog is to log on, post the day's thoughts or activities and it's out there live. For someone whose intentions are to build a blog as a marketing business opportunity, of course, they obviously have to make it more revenue-based than that. This is done by using the blog audience as a market for  a product or service.

A good blog is a great marketing tool and a good way to promote your marketing business opportunity. You can also be successful by selling advertising, or posting links to another companies products and services also known as affiliate marketing. A good first step for your blog might be pay per click contextual advertising. The best known of these products is Google's Ad Sense. Google offers these ready made advertisements for placement on your marketing business opportunity blog or website.  The entrepreneur simply indicates the keywords and industry and Google does the rest. These ad links are placed on the blog site and when someone visits the blog and clicks on the ad links the advertiser rewards Google and Google rewards the blogger. Since we've mentioned Google several times in this paragraph, I should also tell you that Google has several tools for helping you with your keyword research, which is a huge topic that I'll discuss in another blog post.

Let's talk about affiliate marketing for a minute. Basically, an affiliate marketing business opportunity is a system through which an individual can be rewarded by a company for featuring their product or service on their affiliate website or blog. The affiliate entrepreneur will receive a pre-determined reward based on the amount of traffic, sales, or leads it helps bring to the company. In other words, this is also known as referral fee as it is basically what you will be doing for them, referring their product or service to visitors who are looking for information or to purchase something.  You can find an almost unlimited number of companies that offer programs for an affiliate marketing business opportunity on the internet. So it's up to you to choose one that will be beneficial for you and your business.

Unless you're already an internet marketing expert and even if you are,  you're going to need to constantly educate yourself to keep up with the ever-evolving techniques for effectively operating your affiliate marketing business opportunity. I would advise you to find a mentor or an online community that specializes in educating you in current internet marketing techniques and is committed to your success.

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

Article by Mike Emory for Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing

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