Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Marketing Business Opportunity Entrepreneur

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You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight. Jim Rohn

I'm glad you're here!  At the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles
along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet 
marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

The Marketing Business Opportunity Entrepreneur

The entrepreneur is constantly looking for opportunities to be able to work at home and save on overhead cost. Young parents who want to be with their children when they get home from school are now becoming entrepreneur home business owners. Are these marketing business opportunity entrepreneurs making good money? Of course they are or they would not stick to such business at all. 

Working from home has many advantages. First, you can work on you own time. You can work as early or as late as you want and nobody will ever call your attention to your working habits. If you dont feel like working, you can always take the day off and go somewhere to relax and unwind. When you work at home, you dont have to bother with dress code. You can work in your pajamas if you like. Anyway, its your output that your clients will be after not how you looked when you did the work.

Becoming an entrepreneur in a marketing business opportunity is a good option for young parents. Working from home would give you more time to be with your kids and supervise their daily activities. You can wake up with them early in the morning and join them for breakfast before they leave for school and go back to bed after they left if you want. You can even walk them to school and get that needed exercise. When the kids come home from school, you can always be there to welcome them. Work at home parents can spend as much time as they want with their kids as there are no fix rules or working hours if you work from home. The only thing that you should be concerned of is making enough sales to give you financial independence and to enjoy comfortable living. The idea of working at home is to earn without sacrificing quality time with your family.

How does one become an entrepreneur home business owner? There are many area to find a marketing business opportunity where an entrepreneur can engage. Your guide would be your personal interest and your existing resources. Why personal interest? If you like what you are doing, you would not mind putting in a lot of time and effort to make things happen. Wanting something is already a big step towards achieving something so try to work within your sphere of interest and not jump into something you are not familiar with. Familiar things give you more confidence as home business owner. Aside from working with familiar things, you should always take into consideration the resources you have at your command. The scale of your business undertakings should always depend largely on how much resources you have so make sure you know what you have to prevent overexposure. Spending within your means is a cardinal rule for entrepreneur home business owners.

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, and the Entrepreneur

Even though you are on the right track - you will get run over if you just sit there. 
Will Rogers

Please fill out the Subscribe to Email List and Check Out all the links to follow and connect with Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing at the end of the article.

I'm glad you're here! At the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

Marketing Business Opportunity

Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, and the Entrepreneur

One Internet marketing business opportunity that's getting lots of attention lately is the blog. A blog is relatively easy to set up and can be quite a bit of fun provided you're capable of writing good articles on a regular, consistent basis. Did you catch the keywords in that last sentence? O.K., I'll tell you - regular and consistent. This is where that entrepreneur spirit comes into play. By definition an entrepreneur is a strong leader with a high energy level, unwavering mental stamina, internally self motivated, and takes upon him/herself  the work and responsibility needed to get the job done - amongst other things. If you do not naturally possess all these qualities, it's not a lost cause, you can through conscious effort learn and apply these characteristics. The best advise is to surround yourself with entrepreneur-type people, join a group or "community", or acquire the services of a mentor.  

The word blog is a derivation of the term Web log. A blog is essentially a journal that is displayed on the Internet. A blog should come across as less formal than a website, which invites and encourages conversation. The content of your blog can sometimes be expanded by encouraging others to comment or respond to postings. This also allows the reader a sense of ownership and participation which can lead to increased traffic to your blog. All it takes to add to the blog is to log on, post the day's thoughts or activities and it's out there live. For someone whose intentions are to build a blog as a marketing business opportunity, of course, they obviously have to make it more revenue-based than that. This is done by using the blog audience as a market for  a product or service.

A good blog is a great marketing tool and a good way to promote your marketing business opportunity. You can also be successful by selling advertising, or posting links to another companies products and services also known as affiliate marketing. A good first step for your blog might be pay per click contextual advertising. The best known of these products is Google's Ad Sense. Google offers these ready made advertisements for placement on your marketing business opportunity blog or website.  The entrepreneur simply indicates the keywords and industry and Google does the rest. These ad links are placed on the blog site and when someone visits the blog and clicks on the ad links the advertiser rewards Google and Google rewards the blogger. Since we've mentioned Google several times in this paragraph, I should also tell you that Google has several tools for helping you with your keyword research, which is a huge topic that I'll discuss in another blog post.

Let's talk about affiliate marketing for a minute. Basically, an affiliate marketing business opportunity is a system through which an individual can be rewarded by a company for featuring their product or service on their affiliate website or blog. The affiliate entrepreneur will receive a pre-determined reward based on the amount of traffic, sales, or leads it helps bring to the company. In other words, this is also known as referral fee as it is basically what you will be doing for them, referring their product or service to visitors who are looking for information or to purchase something.  You can find an almost unlimited number of companies that offer programs for an affiliate marketing business opportunity on the internet. So it's up to you to choose one that will be beneficial for you and your business.

Unless you're already an internet marketing expert and even if you are,  you're going to need to constantly educate yourself to keep up with the ever-evolving techniques for effectively operating your affiliate marketing business opportunity. I would advise you to find a mentor or an online community that specializes in educating you in current internet marketing techniques and is committed to your success.

I wish you success in your quest to live your life on your terms.

Article by Mike Emory for Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

How to Create Your own Niche

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

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I'm glad you're here! At the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

Marketing Business Opportunity

How to Create Your own Niche

A niche is something that sets your marketing business opportunity apart from your competitors. A Specialized Market is needed to compete with other businesses. You need a unique niche. Just make sure your competitors are not using the same one. Following are some ideas you can use to create that unique specialized niche.

Your niche could be that you offer free delivery. This may cost a little money, but you will gain the extra customers. You could offer a lower price to establish your Niche. Offer a discount sale if you can't afford to lower the price. It could be that your product achieves results faster. This niche is very effective because people are becoming more and more impatient and want results fast. Your credibility could be your niche. Some people think if you have been in business for a long period of time, you have more credibility.

Some of your five senses could open a niche market for you. Your product tastes, smells, sounds, looks, or feels better than the competition. When you target the senses, you're triggering basic human reactions. Your product could be light and compact. People may want to take the product on a trip. They may have little space, so they need a compact item. Your special niche could be that you've won a business reward. When you win a reward, tell your customers or visitors about it. This increases their trust in your marketing business opportunity.

The longevity of the product could be used as a niche for your product. People don't like taking the time and spending more money buying replacement products all the time. Your niche could be that your product is easy to use. People don't want to buy a product that they have to read a 20 page, hard to understand, instruction manual. Better safety features could be used as a niche. Your customers want to feel safe when they use your product. Made by hand, home grown and home baked could be important niches. Most people believe that products made by hand, or made at home, have better quality.

Your niche could be that you stand behind all your products. People want to know that you back-up any claims you make about your product. This could be in the form of a guaranty, warranty or free replacements.
Another way is to think like your target audience. Put yourself in their shoes think like them. Give them polls and surveys to find out what they are thinking. Then capitalize on your finding and develop a niche that none of your competitors have found. Use your brainpower, ask yourself questions like; how can I set myself apart from my competition? What could I offer that my competition can't? 

Now that you have your niche, that's just half the battle, you must test it. Does your niche appeal to your target audience? Will it attract people away from your competition? If it does, you're done, until your competition comes up with a better niche. If your niche doesn't, then repeat the process above and test until it works. If you want to eliminate your competition and be successful you will use this process several times. 

These are but a few ways that can set you apart from your competitors in finding and maintaining your niche. Always keep an eye open for new niches that will set your marketing business opportunity apart. 

Source: article circle - Free Articles Directory

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Marketing Plan is a Must for a Home-Based Marketing Business Opportunity

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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I'm glad you're here! At the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

A Marketing Plan is a Must for a Home-Based Marketing Business Opportunity

A marketing plan is essential for a home-based Internet marketing business opportunity. To succeed in any business, whether a home business or not, you need a marketing plan that sets out your Internet marketing business opportunity campaign. If your firm were a large corporation you'd put several hundred pages of marketing tasks together in one plan. As a small home business noting your organized Internet marketing business opportunity plan will probably take fewer than ten pages. But it must be done, and early.

The simplest and easiest way to work with your marketing plan is to place the pages in a three ring binder and refer to it monthly. This lets you keep track of what you should be doing in your home-based Internet marketing business opportunity schedule and if you're on schedule or not. Leave plenty of room for notes on your performance in regard to your written marketing plan.

A plan for taking advantage of the marketing opportunities for a home business should cover a one year period. A home-based Internet marketing business opportunity plan should not extend any further out because so many things can affect such a small business. If someone leaves the firm, if the market changes, or if customers leave or others come on board, the marketing plan must be altered. A few years down the home business road is the time to rewrite the plan to encompass the next two to five years.

A marketing plan for a home-based Internet marketing business opportunity will take you at least two months to write, especially if you're a novice at marketing plan writing.

Everyone that has a management or executive say in any aspect of the home Internet business should have an opportunity to contribute to the marketing plan. While the tendency is to hold the information in the plan close to the vest, it won't work without asking for the guidance and input of those involved in the planning, building, marketing and growing, both Internet and otherwise, of your home business. Feedback must come from anyone involved in your Internet home business financing, manufacturing, staffing, equipping, and managing. Of course, as in many home-based Internet marketing business opportunity ventures, the sole proprietor is the only administrator and as such completes the bulk of the marketing plan with some input of paid consultants.

Your marketing plan for your home-based Internet marketing business opportunity must be consistent with your firm's business plan or the opportunity for the two documents to help you succeed is lost. The business plan lays out the company vision for the next five years. The marketing plan dictates how you get to the achievement of that vision and the completion of the various goals along the way. A business plan will talk about the financing needed to start and grow the business, one of which will be the expense of advertising and marketing. The marketing plan will spell out the marketing business opportunities you will take advantage of, and the cost of each, to get your home Internet business started and making a profit.

Source: article circle - Free Articles Directory

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Key to Build Up Your Internet Business

Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.

Please Check Out all the links to follow and connect with Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing at the end of the article.

I'm glad you're here! At the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

The Key to Build Up Your Internet Business

To obtain more local customers for your business, consider expanding your local business through the Internet. If you want to know a sure-fire, almost 100% fool proof secret that will keep your Internet marketing business alive and thriving for years into the future, then this article will show you how. Strategic Internet marketing is going to be the basis for any online Internet business being a success and earning you money.

Finally, niche marketing while not unknown to the offline world, is taken to new heights online where automated internet tools allow an internet business owner to target these highly targeted online niches and exploits them. Firstly, an internet business that sells an online service like service that can be highly automated can potentially outperform an offline business. The benefits of operating an internet home business include enormous profit potential, easy access to highly successful affiliate programs, and an effective means of advertising your service or product.

The key point in building up your internet business, and effective money generating business website is to know who are your potential consumers, or will be; to clearly understand their needs, and turn them into loyal and paying customers who provide the basis of your business survival, let alone thriving. The more you know and understand about your potential customers, the more you are to focus in building your business website to cater for their needs, thus the more successful your business as it goes in the long run. Word of mouth tell all your friends about your website you never know they may tell someone who tells someone who purchases something from you or decides that they too want to get into the internet business and they may join you in building your down line and sign up for one or two of your programs.

In conclusion, participating in internet business or internet marketing forums and helping others along is a good thing. No matter what product or service you sell, developing a support system is critical to the success of your internet home business.

Source: article circle - Free Articles Directory

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Details of a Home Based Internet Marketing Business

Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.

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Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing at the end of the article.

Are you a marketing professional looking to move away from your current job? Do you love the marketing industry, but are tired of office politics? Do you wish that there was a way to take all of your skills and incorporate them into a home based business? If this sounds like you, you are in luck. There are many people in your shoes that have turned their love of marketing into a very successful home based business. Without a little bit of skill and determination, you may be able to take your years of experience and parlay them into a great work from home marketing job.

Starting a home based internet marketing business is not for everyone; but if you have a love for marketing, and the desire to run your own company, this opportunity may be for you. 

Obviously, if you want to start your own home based internet marketing business it would help if you have some background experience in the industry to fall back on. This is always helpful because it will cut back on your start up time, and will also allow you to offer a higher level of service to potential clients. Being able to tell clients that you have 15 years of marketing experience will go a long way in securing you a lot of work.

The great thing about starting an internet marketing business is that you should have no problem getting your name in front of potential customers; after all, you are an internet marketing specialist! You will want need to set up a webpage where you outline what your company does, as well as your past experience. By doing this clients will be able to visit you on the web, and make a quick decision on your abilities.

Many people are not sure of what the internet marketing industry consists of. When you are running an internet marketing business, you are going to be showing your customers how to increase web traffic, etc. This is hard for some people because they are used to more traditional means of marketing such as direct mail, etc. Even though you can offer these services, your main goal will be to convey yourself as an internet marketing specialist.

Starting a home based internet marketing business is not for everyone. Most of the time, the people that are most successful in this field have some sort of past experience. But if you don?t have experience, and you are still interested, you can still give it a go. There is nothing wrong with researching the industry, and trying to learn as much as possible as you go along.

Home internet marketing businesses have become very popular. If you are looking for a way to become more independent, you may want to consider this option. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Road to Jobs

Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing

Good Morning Everyone, I hope you have a great day. It's up to you to map out the journey to your dreams. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten. Do not measure your life by your goals but what you are actually doing to achieve them.

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I'm glad you're here! Here at the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

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The Road to Jobs
To be clear, these worrying trends may simply be signs of a faltering recovery rather than a coming economic contraction. However, with another weak jobs report expected for June, there will inevitably be calls for action from Congress. 
We have had three straight stimulus bill failures. The $150 billion Bush-Pelosi stimulus bill failed. The Bush-Pelosi housing stimulus bill failed. And now, the evidence is clear that the Obama stimulus bill has failed. 
So the question before us is simple. Will we enact a fourth big government, Keynesian stimulus? Or will we learn the lessons of history and pass an economic growth bill modeled after the Kennedy-Reagan tax rate cuts that created unprecedented economic booms? 
Fortunately, there is a bill before Congress based directly on that Kennedy-Reagan tradition. It is the Economic Freedom Act (HR5029), sponsored by Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). The centerpiece of this bill is five bold tax cuts modeled after the tax cuts in the American Solutions Jobs First Plan. 
These bold changes to our tax system would provide small businesses with immediate liquidity and change the underlying tax structure of America to set the stage for long term economic growth. They include: Reducing the payroll tax by half for 2010 to provide immediate liquidity for companies and employees; Eliminating the capital gains tax to encourage investment in new companies; Reducing the corporate tax rate to 12.5% to make us competitive globally; Permanently eliminating the death tax so small businesses and family farms can continue creating jobs for future generations; Providing immediate business expensing so American workers have the best equipment and are the most productive. At American Solutions we are encouraging our members to contact their representatives in Congress and ask them to support HR 5029. You can click here to help. 
The choice before us is clear. 
Will we enact more of the same failed, Keynesian stimulus bills that rely on government bureaucrats to distribute our money as they see fit? 
Or pass HR 5029 to provide permanent tax relief that will free up entrepreneurs and businesses to make investments that will lead to an explosion of new jobs and productivity? 
You might even say that HR 5029 would be change we could believe in. 
Your friend,

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