Saturday, June 26, 2010

Details of a Home Based Internet Marketing Business

Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.

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Are you a marketing professional looking to move away from your current job? Do you love the marketing industry, but are tired of office politics? Do you wish that there was a way to take all of your skills and incorporate them into a home based business? If this sounds like you, you are in luck. There are many people in your shoes that have turned their love of marketing into a very successful home based business. Without a little bit of skill and determination, you may be able to take your years of experience and parlay them into a great work from home marketing job.

Starting a home based internet marketing business is not for everyone; but if you have a love for marketing, and the desire to run your own company, this opportunity may be for you. 

Obviously, if you want to start your own home based internet marketing business it would help if you have some background experience in the industry to fall back on. This is always helpful because it will cut back on your start up time, and will also allow you to offer a higher level of service to potential clients. Being able to tell clients that you have 15 years of marketing experience will go a long way in securing you a lot of work.

The great thing about starting an internet marketing business is that you should have no problem getting your name in front of potential customers; after all, you are an internet marketing specialist! You will want need to set up a webpage where you outline what your company does, as well as your past experience. By doing this clients will be able to visit you on the web, and make a quick decision on your abilities.

Many people are not sure of what the internet marketing industry consists of. When you are running an internet marketing business, you are going to be showing your customers how to increase web traffic, etc. This is hard for some people because they are used to more traditional means of marketing such as direct mail, etc. Even though you can offer these services, your main goal will be to convey yourself as an internet marketing specialist.

Starting a home based internet marketing business is not for everyone. Most of the time, the people that are most successful in this field have some sort of past experience. But if you don?t have experience, and you are still interested, you can still give it a go. There is nothing wrong with researching the industry, and trying to learn as much as possible as you go along.

Home internet marketing businesses have become very popular. If you are looking for a way to become more independent, you may want to consider this option. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Road to Jobs

Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing

Good Morning Everyone, I hope you have a great day. It's up to you to map out the journey to your dreams. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten. Do not measure your life by your goals but what you are actually doing to achieve them.

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The Road to Jobs
To be clear, these worrying trends may simply be signs of a faltering recovery rather than a coming economic contraction. However, with another weak jobs report expected for June, there will inevitably be calls for action from Congress. 
We have had three straight stimulus bill failures. The $150 billion Bush-Pelosi stimulus bill failed. The Bush-Pelosi housing stimulus bill failed. And now, the evidence is clear that the Obama stimulus bill has failed. 
So the question before us is simple. Will we enact a fourth big government, Keynesian stimulus? Or will we learn the lessons of history and pass an economic growth bill modeled after the Kennedy-Reagan tax rate cuts that created unprecedented economic booms? 
Fortunately, there is a bill before Congress based directly on that Kennedy-Reagan tradition. It is the Economic Freedom Act (HR5029), sponsored by Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). The centerpiece of this bill is five bold tax cuts modeled after the tax cuts in the American Solutions Jobs First Plan. 
These bold changes to our tax system would provide small businesses with immediate liquidity and change the underlying tax structure of America to set the stage for long term economic growth. They include: Reducing the payroll tax by half for 2010 to provide immediate liquidity for companies and employees; Eliminating the capital gains tax to encourage investment in new companies; Reducing the corporate tax rate to 12.5% to make us competitive globally; Permanently eliminating the death tax so small businesses and family farms can continue creating jobs for future generations; Providing immediate business expensing so American workers have the best equipment and are the most productive. At American Solutions we are encouraging our members to contact their representatives in Congress and ask them to support HR 5029. You can click here to help. 
The choice before us is clear. 
Will we enact more of the same failed, Keynesian stimulus bills that rely on government bureaucrats to distribute our money as they see fit? 
Or pass HR 5029 to provide permanent tax relief that will free up entrepreneurs and businesses to make investments that will lead to an explosion of new jobs and productivity? 
You might even say that HR 5029 would be change we could believe in. 
Your friend,

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

America: Going Out of Business?

Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing

Good Day Everyone, have a good one and continue to move in the direction of YOUR happiness. Remember...
Success is getting up just one more time than you fall down.
Some may succeed because they are destined to, but most because they are determined to.

Doing little things well is a step towards doing big things better
The man on the top of the mountain did not fall there.

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I'm glad you're here! Here at the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

We are here to help you find the best deals on the internet. We have deals for just about anything you can imagine online. We have special offers from dating to online dvd rental to health products.

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America: Going Out of Business?

Ken Connor

Center for a Just Society

June 11, 2010

In September 2008, as our President announced that he was abandoning the free market in order to save it and Congress was scrambling to pass the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, Peter Schiff - President of Euro-Pacific Capital - had this to say about the notion of a government bailout of the U.S. banking industry:

"In response to the most irresponsible monetary policy in U.S. history, American citizens borrowed and spent trillions of dollars, and now the institutions that loaned them the money are going broke because we can't pay it back. And this bailout isn't going to change the fact that we're broke. As a society we need to go back: away from borrowing and spending and towards producing and saving again. And the government's trying to interfere with the free market, and if they succeed with this bailout, what they're going to do is bring on a crisis far greater than the one they are trying to avoid."

Nearly two years later, the truth of Mr. Schiff's prediction could not be any clearer. We long ago lost sight of the fundamentals of responsible economics and have become a "borrow and spend" society. Multiple bailouts combined with out-of-control spending have led to a quadrupling of the U.S. budget deficit and a national debt of $13 trillion and rising. According to the Heritage Foundation's 2010 Federal Spending By the Numbers report, "spending and deficits continu[e] to grow at a pace not seen since World War II. Washington will spend $30,543 per household in 2010 - $5,000 per household more than just two years ago."

As ludicrous as it seems, our government's response to an economic crisis fueled largely by reckless borrowing and spending has been to… borrow and spend more. The decision-makers at the top have embraced the fallacious notion that a nation can spend its way to prosperity using borrowed money. This is a fallacy that many American families lived by for a better part of the last decade, riding high on the inflated lifestyle supported by easy credit. But, the bubble burst and it all came crashing down. Now with credit hard to come by, home foreclosures a common occurrence, and unemployment at record highs, many families that used to swear by "borrow and spend" have become reluctant disciples of "save and produce." The question remains, however, whether our government and representatives will ever get the message.

In order to dig ourselves out of the economic hole we've created, one of two things must occur: We must reduce spending or increase revenue. According to The Heritage Foundation, the government would merely need to reduce annual spending to the level that prevailed through the 1980s and 1990s (about $21,000 per household) in order to balance the budget by 2012. The President's existing budget, however, is evidence enough that restoring fiscal discipline is not high on his list of priorities. After all, the American people do love their entitlements, and squawk as we may about "cutting spending," what we really mean by that is "cut the other guy's program, but keep your hands of my [insert entitlement/social welfare/education program here]."

The alternative, then, is to raise taxes. However, the problem with raising taxes, as any Economics 101 student can tell you, is that increasing taxes has a chilling effect on productivity. Businesses can't thrive under onerous tax burdens, and the effects of this - dare I say it - "trickle down" to everyone else. When businesses can't produce, employees and their families can't get ahead. Saving and investing decline, and reliance on credit (or government) increases. Tax cuts, on the other hand, free up money to circulate at all levels of the economy, which actually boosts productivity and, eventually, leads to increased revenues for Uncle Sam. It's unfortunate that the issue of taxes have become such a tool for class warfare and partisanship when the truth is that adequate government revenues and low taxes need not be mutually exclusive.

As the economic viability of the European Union teeters on the brink of collapse, Americans are getting a close up look at what happens when "borrow and spend" becomes the national M.O.; yet instead of learning from the mistakes of others and changing our course, we seem more determined than ever to plunge headlong into deeper debt, spending our way into oblivion in order to "stimulate" the economy and "spread the wealth around."

America is approaching a financial breaking point. Government continues to balloon in size, taxes are poised to increase in any one of a dozen ways, and the companies responsible for a lion's share of the economic collapse are doing business as usual, having been rescued from collapse by the benevolence of Uncle Sam, at enormous cost to the taxpayers.

The American people and their government must change their way of doing business. If we don't, we will soon be out of business.

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