Friday, May 28, 2010

Remember The Basics

Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing 
Good Morning Everyone, I hope you have a great and fulfilling day.

Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.

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I'm glad you're here! Here at the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

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Remember the Basics
I'm sure you, like many others, have been making resolutions, setting goals and creating strategic plans.

Let's face it, we all like new things. It's hard to beat NEW. We like the new idea, the latest and greatest strategy and the hot tactic of the day.

But in this quest, it's easy to lose sight of the fundamentals of success and happiness. When we're focused on the new stuff, it can be easy to neglect the basics.

As my wife and I mapped our plans, we talked about new objectives, targets and adventures. But we also talked about the importance of the simpler things; time together, planned IN-activity, sufficient hydration, good exercise and adequate sleep.

We discussed our need for reflection, affirmation, visualization, our social and physical environment and reading good books.

Because if we don’t pay attention to these things, our production will be limited by our production capacity. We need to take excellent care of ourselves, or we'll be unable to take care of others—and other things.

In addition, as we take on new things, we must also not forget to do the simpler, more basic things that have proven over and over to work.

When going through older material I often see things I've done but no longer do on a consistent basis. Why is that? Why would I stop doing something that worked well enough for me recommend to others? I can only assume that I got caught up in the excitement of new—and often UNPROVEN—things.

Let me be clear. I'm all for trying new things. I like doing fun and interesting stuff. And there's nothing wrong with looking for a better way to accomplish our objectives. But not while abandoning the fundamentals that have gotten us where we are.

So as you decide on your goals and on your path to achieve them, be sure you don’t let go of the essential building blocks of success.

One of things we do here is to teach, but also remind you, of success principles--the basic building blocks of a successful life and business.

Make sure your goals and projects are aligned with your core values, your mission and your vision. Take the time to gain the clarity, develop the focus and maintain the consistency you need to achieve your best.

Professional sports teams practice new plays and strategies. But they spend MOST of their time working on the basics. Even though they're professionals and have been doing the basics for many years, they know the importance of practicing the fundamentals—and they do it.

It works for them. And it will work for you. Never forget to practice the basics.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing

Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing 
Good Morning Everyone, I hope you have a great day.

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I'm glad you're here! Here at the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Have A great Day

Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing
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I'm glad you're here! Here at the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

You Can Read Some Really Good Previous Posts From The Archives in the right column

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Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing -  Good Morning Everyone, I hope you have a great day. I had a wonderful day in Asheville, NC, yesterday - now it's time to get back to work.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I See Time as Being the New Gold of the 21st Century.

Willingness opens the doors to knowledge, direction, and achievement. Be willing to know, be willing to do, be willing to create a positive result. Be willing, especially, to follow your dream.

I'm glad you're here! Here at the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

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Wait !
Here's Today's Article
I’m grateful to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I’m an American and proud of it. I value greatly the freedom so many have paid for with their blood and even their lives.

And freedom is my number one core value.

Most, but not all, are willing to fight and even die for the freedoms we hold so dearly.

But what about our own personal freedom? In the free world, people have basic freedoms, but only a very small percentage are financially free. Instead they are enslaved to debt, a job or even a business.

Even in this land of opportunity, I see far too many who do not have and do not seem willing to fight for their financial independence. Yet stories abound of people who have come from nothing and gone on to achieve great success. So it is possible—even probable—if you follow the principles of success.

But why are they in such a minority? There may be minimum wage laws, but there are no laws to prohibit one from earning as much as they would like–at least not yet.

Does it seem too hard?

It seems to me that working hard, often for someone else, for 40 years is a lot harder than really going for it and claiming your complete independence.

Some people believe told me that to be financially independent they would need AT LEAST a million-dollar portfolio. I know others who think 5 to 7 million is what they would need to retire.

I believe you can find your freedom for much less.

There are many people who earn 2 and 3 times what we earn, but don’t have half the freedom and flexibility we have. They work hard and long, have nice toys, but VERY LITTLE time to enjoy their life and their families. That’s not freedom.

Real freedom isn’t just in how much you make, it’s in how much you keep, and more importantly, how much time you get to enjoy your life. I see time as being the new gold of the 21st century.

I urge you to think carefully about what your freedom means to you. What would it be like to live your life on your terms?

It makes no sense to me to have the basic freedoms we enjoy and not go all the way and create a life with complete freedom. By adding value, living an authentic life and creating a lifestyle of your own making you can live free.

Isn’t that worth fighting for?

Get clear on what you really want. Concentrate on your priorities and consistently take action toward your day of freedom.

I’d like to help you celebrate that.

Set some milestones along the way. And enjoy the ride.

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Think Big, Dream Big...Become Big

I'm glad you're here! Here at the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

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Here's Today's Article

How to Think Big and Become Big


Do you sometimes think that there is more to your life than just this? Are you sick of the same old things everyday? Do you want to live the life you desire or the life somebody else mapped out for you?

If you want to change your current situation, you need to know how to think big. This isn’t just about coming up with wacky ideas or outrageous solutions, but thinking about your life as something that is bigger than what it is right now.

Every choice you’ve made has led you to where you are now; every choice you make now will create your future. Your choices come from your thoughts and how you perceive your place in the world. By thinking big, you will rise above your current situation and begin to create the future of your choosing. Here is how you can think big and become big . . .

Dream big dreams:
Allow yourself to use your imagination to dream about the life you really want to live. There are absolutely no limits to what you can dream about in your imagination. Visualize yourself achieving great things in the future, going to places that seem improbable to reach, and see yourself as the person you want to be.

Some of the greatest human accomplishments started with a dream.  John F. Kennedy dreamt of sending people to the moon, and they did, even though most thought it was not possible. We all know Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream and his dream has allowed us to make significant strides over the last century. He certainly didn’t just say, “I have an idea!” It just wouldn’t have the same meaning, would it?

Visualize your days in advance:
Before you go to bed, sit in a quiet place and visualize what you will do tomorrow. See yourself waking up at the time you want, feeling good, and go through the day seeing yourself accomplishing each task that you are faced with.

Those who accomplish big things can see them in their minds before anybody can see it in reality. By visualizing what you want your days to look like, you know what you are aiming for, and that makes a huge difference.

Ask big questions:
If you want to learn how to think big, ask yourself big questions. Ask yourself questions that make you think about your situation and how you can change certain things. Don’t ask questions like, “Why does this have to happen to me?” Instead, ask yourself, “How can I change this?” Or, what can I learn from this? What is the opportunity in this?

If you ask questions like, “Why does this always have to happen to me?” you will be forced to answer, and it will only make you feel like more of a victim to the situation. By asking yourself constructive questions like, “What do I need to do to change this?” you are forcing yourself to come up with answers that make you think bigger than the actual situation.

Solve big problems:
To determine how big a person is, just take a look at the size of the problems they are trying to solve. If your main concerns everyday are about how bad the traffic is, or how annoying the person sitting next to you is, or how bad the weather is, then you are not thinking big. To think big, you need to tackle bigger problems, such as what you can do now to move yourself closer to your goals, or how you can improve your productivity, or how you can help somebody in need.

How big you are is determined by how big the problems you focus on are.

In order to think big, you need to be able to see through your current situation. You need to be able to focus on things that will make you expand your perspective on your life.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Don't Let What You Can't Do Stop You From What You CAN DO

I'm glad you're here! Here at the Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing blog I try to post inspirational, motivating, and informative articles, along with some advertisements for my website and an opportunity for you to join me in starting or enhancing your own internet marketing career. If you like what you're finding here, "Follow" this blog - you'll find the sign-up option in the right column.

You can email me atemorykewest@charter.netfor information on how to jump-start your new internet marketing career or boost your advertising potential in your current business.

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Wait !
Here's Today's Article

Top Ten Roadblocks to Your Success


Everyone wants to succeed, right? Then why is it that in the most affluent time our world has ever known, with so many resources and tools at our disposal, are so few people thriving? Why do so many people feel unsuccessful?

In pondering these all-important questions, I’ve come up with my list of obstacles—the bottlenecks and traffic jams on the super highway to success. These are the top reasons why I think people don’t succeed. When you’re frustrated by your lack of progress, go through this list and look for what may be holding you back.

1. Confusion. Most people I talk to don’t know what it is they really want to achieve. They often know what they don’t want, but then that’s where their focus and energy goes—to what they don’t want. Being unclear on what you want is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to success. Paul Meyer says if you’re not achieving the success you desire it’s simply because your objectives are not clearly defined.

2. Lack of Focus. You can be clear on your goal, but if you don’t stay focused, if you take on too much, if you fill your life with busy things or operate inconsistently, you will fail. Focus creates power. A river’s might is harnessed by a dam and focused into electrical energy. Some people say you can achieve everything you want. I don’t believe that. But I do believe you can achieve anything you want.

3. Not Enough Reasons. Reasons come first, answers come second. If you have powerful enough reasons, you can accomplish anything you desire. Significant success demands passion. When your why is strong enough, the how will come.

4. Lack of Self-Esteem. Many people simply don’t feel worthy of success. This is a tough one. I can tell you it’s based on an erroneous belief, but you have to get that for yourself. Read the books. Listen to the tapes. Hang out with people who can help you see your highest and best. You deserve to be successful. There is no reason for you not to have what you want unless you ignore the principles of success.

5. Lack of Belief. This is related to worthiness, but there’s more to it. You need to believe in yourself and in the creative process. Winners expect to win. A shortage of belief causes many people to give up or never begin in the first place. In many cases, it causes one to take shortcuts that sabotage their success.

6. Deficient Knowledge. A worthy goal usually requires learning new things. Buckminster Fuller said, "You can’t learn less." Perhaps you’re not sure what it is you need to learn in order to get where you want to go. Find out. But don’t let lack of knowledge keep you from starting. If you wait until you know it all, you’ll never begin. Start from where you are and build the bridge as you walk on it.

7. Insufficient Skills. Most likely there are certain skill sets you lack which will hinder your progress. Discover what these are and start today in gaining the necessary skills. Perhaps you need to learn how to effectively use a computer and the Internet. Maybe you need to up-level your communication or time management proficiency. Even a good attitude is a skill. Enhancing your skills is a lifelong investment that will pay you big dividends.

8. Not Enough Money. Most people think this is the number one reason why they haven’t achieved their dreams. They think that if they just had more money then they would be successful. But it’s rarely a money problem, it’s usually an idea problem. With good ideas and a tenacious spirit you can get the funding you need.

9. Low Energy. Vince Lombardi said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all." In order to have the energy and stamina to win, we need to take care of our bodies. Get adequate rest, eat the right foods and refrain from careless and unsafe behavior. Our achievement is our production. Our bodies, our minds and our intuition make up our production capacity. If we don’t properly care for ourselves, we’ll be unable to produce.

10. Inadequate Support. You don’t need to go it alone. Everyone needs help. I’ve seen far too many people fail because they weren’t willing to ask for help or didn’t know where to turn in order to get it. There are always people who can help. Create a MasterMind team. Bring in talent and resources from others and make it a win-win situation. Align yourself with organizations that can help you succeed.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome to Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing

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You can email me atemorykewest@charter.netfor information on how to jump-start your new internet marketing career or boost your advertising potential in your current business.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Good Information about Aspirin

Aspirin  Info
             Here Are Some Helpful Hints To Add to  Your Knowledge:
     Dr. Virend  Somers, a cardiologist from the Mayo  Clinic who is
   lead author of the  report in the July 29, 2008 issue of  the
   Journal of  the American College of  Cardiology.
     Most heart  attacks occur in the day, generally  between 6 A.M
      (probably as you awake on Monday morning thinking about another
      week of "the job") and noon, Somers said.   Having one during the
      night,  when the heart should be most at rest, means  that something
      unusual happened.  Somers  and his colleagues  have been working
      for a decade to show that sleep  apnea is to  blame.
     1.    If you take an aspirin or a baby aspirin once a  day, take
   it at night.  The  reason: aspirin has a 24-hour
   "half-life".   therefore, if most heart attacks happen in the  wee
   hours of the morning, the aspirin would be  strongest in your system.
     2.     FYI, aspirin lasts a really long time in your  medicine
     (when it  gets old, it smells like  vinegar.)
                 please read  on.
     Something  that we can do to help ourselves.  Nice to  know.
     Bayer  is making crystal aspirin to dissolve instantly  on the
     tongue. They work much faster than the  tablets.
         Why  keep aspirin by your  bedside?
     About  Heart Attacks
     There  are other symptoms of an heart  attack besides the  pain
   on the left arm.
     One  must also be aware of an  intense pain on the chin, as  well
   as nausea and  lots of sweating,  however these symptoms may also
   occur less  frequently.
     Note: There  may be NO pain in the chest during a heart  attack.
     The majority of people (about 60%)  who had a heart attack during
   their sleep,  did not wake up.  However, if it occurs,  the chest
   pain may wake you up from your deep  sleep.
     If  that happens, immediately  dissolve two  aspirins in  your
   mouth and  swallow them with a bit of  water.
       -call  911
     - phone  a neighbor or a family  member who lives very close  by
     -say heart  attack!"
     -say that you  have taken 2  aspirins.
     - take  a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door,  and wait
       for their  arrival and...
     ~do  NOT lie down~
     A Cardiologist has  stated that, if each person, after receiving
   this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one  life can be saved!
     I  have already shared the information- - What  about you?
     Do forward  this message; it may save  lives!

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Two of Many Great Deals

Michael Emory Earn Rewards for Expressing Your Opinion
Looking to save money while shopping? This is the offer for you get a $1000 JCPenny gift card. Checkout the offer for more information.

 Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing

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MyAppCreator is the my sophisticated and robust automated iPhone application creation system on the market. The system was designed around frameworks built for fortune 100 companies and celebrities including AT&T, MC Hammer, Joel Comm,, and many more.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Good Morning, Let's Go Shopping

 Good Morning to all my family, friends, and associates (friendly or not), I hope you have a great and productive day. Make the best of it, remember to smile, and try to find something to laugh about - I know I will. acai-berry-products

If a man does not make new acquaintances, as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man should keep his friendship in constant repair. - Samuel Johnson

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Progress Requires Action

Mike Emory Affiliated Marketing Good Morning Everyone, I hope you have a great day. Be happy, persistent, and have faith that you are moving towards your goals.
"Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active. It is vision which passes inevitably into action." - Edith Hamilton.
Do not mistake mere movement as progress.
MyAppCreator is the my sophisticated and robust automated iPhone application creation system on the market. The system was designed around frameworks built for fortune 100 companies and celebrities including AT&T, MC Hammer, Joel Comm,, and many more.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Don't Let Your "Yes Buts" Impact Your Potential

"I really dislike my job!"

"You have been saying that for a long time. You can find a different job, you know!"

"Yes, but... the money's pretty good here."

Have you ever had a conversation like that before? Are you the one who doesn't like your job? And, are you the one who has lots of "yes, buts" to explain why you're still in work that doesn't fit you? Yes, but...I have a good salary and benefits... I like my co-workers... this is the only work I've ever done... it's close to home... it's familiar... I don't know what else I could do.

If you have a ready list of "yes, buts," you are likely entrenched in your "comfort zone," which is a place most of us find ourselves at one time or another. Each of us creates a "comfort zone" for ourselves that is made up of familiar people, places, things, activities, and habits. We feel at home there. While it's an understandable place to find yourself, it can also be a dangerous place. Being mired in your comfort zone can cause you to lose out on getting the most out of life.

Staying stuck in your comfort zone can lead to missing out on becoming the person God created you to be; never doing the things God designed you to do; and feeling a deep sense of regret at the end of your life. That's a high price to pay for being "comfortable." The good news is that it isn't hard to stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone so that you can respond to God's calling on your life.

Little Steps Lead to Big Results

Here are two key words: Start small. You don't need to take giant strides that feel overwhelming! Little, do-able, "bite-sized" steps can get you moving forward. Little steps create a momentum that  make it much easier to take bigger steps.

"Start Small" Suggestions for Expanding Your Comfort Zone

1. Examine your comfort zone. Write down any ways you feel trapped by your comfort zone. What are the "yes, buts" that tend to keep you stuck (and fearful about making changes)? Think about why these factors have such a powerful hold on you.

2. List the changes you would like to make. What changes would you make in your work and life if you were guaranteed that you would be successful?

3. Write down all the benefits you can imagine of making these changes in your life. Often, we tend to dwell on the perceived cost of making changes without ever considering what we will gain by moving forward.

4. Practice affirming biblical truths. Faith is the opposite of fear. The more our minds dwell on biblical truths that build faith and trust in God, the less room there is for fear to become entrenched. See Philippians 4:13, Ephesians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Ephesians 6:10-11; and, 2 Timothy 1:7. How do these promises relate to making positive changes in your life?

5. Do at least one new thing a week. This can be as simple as driving to work a new way, ordering a new entrée from a menu, reading about careers that are interesting to you or volunteering to do something new at your church or in your community. Each new action expands your comfort zone. When you habitually do new things, you prove to yourself that change is possible...and even enjoyable!

Excerpts from Live Your Calling (2005) by Kevin and Kay Marie Brennfleck. Used by permission of Jossey-Bass, a Wiley imprint.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Keep Looking Forward

 Good Morning everyone, have a great and prosperous day. Attack this day and win with the knowledge of knowing where you're going. Today...and every day be thankful for your many blessings and use those blessings to be a blessing to others. I wish you a great day filled with happiness, success, and adventure. Keep "Looking Forward" and moving on toward your dreams and goals - never give up or give in. 

"One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again." - Henry Ford

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." - Henry David Thoreau

 Have a good day. Be focused, be, better yet, make someone else smile, Mike.

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Start Taking Control of Your Life


The trouble with so many of us is that we underestimate the power of simplicity. We have a tendency it seems to over complicate our lives and forget what's important and what's not. We tend to mistake movement for achievement. We tend to focus on activities instead of results. And as the pace of life continues to race along in the outside world, we forget that we have the power to control our lives regardless of what's going on outside.

Goal Setting:

Figure out what your goal is

Clearly define what it will take to achieve your goal

Set a date to achieve your goal

Break your goal into smaller, achievable pieces

Celebrate the small victories along the way to achieving your goal